Scott David Gordon

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Magic and the Milky Way

The Milky Way's Galactic Center in the night sky above McDonald Observatory, Fort Davis, TX.

Two years in a row I have taken a solo road trip out west to Marfa, Texas and the surrounding area for my birthday. This years trip was really magical. So much synchronicity and generosity. So many wonderful people and experiences. It made me wonder if I couldn't have a life like that all of the time. Was it just that I was open and able to perceive more than in my life at home? Was I actually just missing seeing the gifts of life around me everyday because of some perception bias or limiting beliefs?

Well I'm still trying to figure that out and probably will be for the rest of my life. One of the ways I do that is by looking and sometimes capturing what I see. Here are some images that I made on this trip.

These panoramas were made with my iPhone. The west Texas landscape allows for far off views and beautiful storms.

While in town there was a dance performance, Secondary Surface Rendered, at Ballroom Marfa by Lower Left.

Playing around with Polaroid Film which is now made by the Impossible Project was fun. My main frustration is that you have to cover the image as it comes out of the cameras so that it is not exposed to light at all. That can be quite a feat on location, composing the perfect shot, with only two hands. I still like the results and it's a lot less predictable and controllable than digital.